The Effectiveness of Modeling Methods on Buttoning Skills for Moderate Category Mentally Disabled Children at Muhammadiyah Pauh IX Special School in Padang
Buttoned Shirt, Modeling Method, Mentally DisabledAbstract
Research. This is motivated by the low ability of self-development in mentally retarded children in the moderate category, especially self-development in putting on button-up clothes that researchers found at SLB Muhammadiyah Pauh IX Padang. Based on the results of the assessment that had been done, the child only got a score of 8%. The purpose of this study was to prove whether the modeling method was effective in improving the button-up shirt-fitting skills of medium category mentally retarded children. .. type. This research is an experimental research with single subject research (SSR). Using A-B-A design with a single subject and data analysis using Visual Graphic analysis techniques. The results of the research on the skill of putting on button-down shirts were carried out continuously for 18 meetings with the results in the baseline condition (A1), namely 23%, while in the Intervention condition (B) it was 81%, and in the baseline A2 condition the children obtained a stable score of 85%. so that there was an increase in the skills of wearing button-down shirts for class C students at SLB Muhammadiyah Pauh IX Padang by using the modeling method. Based on the results above, it can be concluded that the skill of putting button-down clothes increases by using the modeling method in the moderate category of mentally retarded children.
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